Advanced Custom Fields Repeater, wrap every 3 divs in a row

Lets say you are using Advanced Custom Fields, and I would like to wrap every 3 divs (3 elements, 4 things, any number of consecutive stuff) in a row. If there is a fourth div or 2 extra then those would get wrapped in their own row. So no matter how many items you will open and close with a div etc.

You’ll want to use the following:

<?php //going to wrap every 3 in this example
    if ( get_field( 'your_repeater_name' ) ): ?>

    <?php $index = 1; ?>
    <?php $totalNum = count( get_field('your_repeater_name') ); ?>

    <?php while ( has_sub_field( 'your_repeater_name' ) ): ?>

        <div class="col-sm-4">
            <?php the_sub_field( 'your_sub_field' ); ?>
        <? if ($index % 3 == 0) : ?>
            <? if ($index < $totalNum) : ?>
                // more rows, so close this one and start a new one
            <? elseif ($index == $totalNum) : ?>
                // last element so close row but don't start a new one
            <? endif; ?>

        <? endif; ?>

    <?php $index++; ?>
    <?php endwhile; ?>

<?php endif; ?>

Hope this helps!