ACF Google Maps Radius / Proximity search with the REST API

Let’s discuss and show how using ACF Google Maps, and WP_Query we can search content by radius and/or proximity using both latitude and longitude set through ACF Google Maps. File set up: Lets create three seperate files ( these will be included inside your functions.php in order ) sort-acf-gmap-distance.php wp-query-geo.php sort-locations-api.php Let’s do a quick … Continued

Using HTTPS on localhost in Nuxt

So you’re here because you need your localhost to run on https for your Nuxt.js project.  That used to be tougher, but in the latest version of Nuxt.js it’s very straight forward.  Let’s go over the steps from the top: Let’s start with opening your project in Visual Studio Code, and opening a terminal in … Continued

Add a custom endpoint to WordPress REST API with Pagination

Are you trying to add a custom endpoint and/or route to the WordPress REST API? Are you then stuck in a rut if its missing pagination? Have no fear, I got your back! (full code is the bottom before that are small explanations explaining what’s going on) Adding a custom endpoint to WordPress REST API … Continued

WordPress REST API – add Featured Image to ACF relationship post object

You’ve set up a relationship field with Advanced Custom Fields (ACF), but you need the selected post and it’s Featured Image?  Say no more fam! I gotcha! The following snippet shows how you can add the Featured Image to the post object that’s returned with the relationship field in Advanced Custom Fields (ACF). add_filter( ‘acf/rest_api/{type}/get_fields’, function ( $item, $request ) { if ( … Continued

Run Nuxt.js on DigitalOcean TLDR;

You’ve built something amazing locally that’s in Universal mode.  Sawwweeet, but what now? How do you host it? Why is it when you search for Node.js hosting it’s super expensive? Well, screw that! We are going to use DigitalOcean!  Click that bad boy and get your little test for free (the credits last 60 days  … Continued