WordPress If Statements

WordPress Conditional Tags and Statements that can help along the way

When looking to display specific content on page wether it be an image/copy/etc you will need a specific WordPress If Statement.  Below are a list of WordPress If Statements you may need along the way, as well other specifics.

  • is_home() – home page
  • is_front_page() – front page
  • is_single() – posts/attachments
  • is_tag() – tag archive page
  • is_archive() – archive page
  • is_search() – search results pages.
  • is_author() – author archived page.
  • is_404() – 404: Not Found error page. OH SNAP!

1- If a page / if a specific page

<?php if( is_page('ID GOES HERE') ):?>

//stuff you want to do

<?php endif; ?>

1- If specific pages

<?php if( is_page('ID GOES HERE') || is_page('ID GOES HERE') || is_page('ETC') || is_page('ETC') ):?>

//stuff you want to do

<?php endif;?>

3- if a specific page show this, if not show something else

<?php if( is_page('ID GOES HERE') ):?>

//stuff you want to show on this page

<?php else: ?>

//stuff you want to show on the rest of the pages
//if this is left empty the nothing will appear in this section on the other pages

<?php endif; ?>

4- if the home page and/or front-page do this, if not do this

<?php if( is_home() || is_front_page() ) : ?>

//what you want on the home page

<?php else : ?>

//what you want on the all the other pages

<?php endif; ?>

5- if a specific category

<?php if( is_category('ID GOES HERE') ):?>

//do this, show that

<?php endif; ?>

5- if a specific post page

<?php if( is_single('ID GOES HERE') ):?>

//do this, show that

<?php endif; ?>

6- if a specific category and single page

<?php if( is_category('ID GOES HERE') || is_page('ETC') ):?>

//do this, show that

<?php endif; ?>

7- Check if user is loggin in

<?php if ( is_user_logged_in() ) { 
     echo 'Welcome, registered user!'; 
} else { 
     echo 'Welcome, visitor!'; 

8- Show Content if registration is opened and/or closed

<?php if ( get_option('users_can_register'):
    echo 'Registration is opened.';
    echo 'Registration is closed.';

9- Check if they are on a PC or MAC

<?php if( stristr($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'],"mac") ):
     echo 'MAC.';
     echo 'PC.'; 

Hopefully the follow WordPress If Statements can help you along the way.  Enjoy!